Exterior House Painting Services
Step-By-Step How to Prep & Paint Your Home’s Exterior
Step 1: Clean & Pressure-Wash the Exterior
The first step when it comes to home exterior painting is to wipe away and remove all dirt and dust that has accumulated around the exterior of your house (check in those nooks and crannies around windows and door frames) using a pressure washer to save time and get the job done thoroughly.
Step 2: Fix Damaged Areas
Use an epoxy filler to fix any cracks or holes you see on the exterior surfaces of your home. For best practices, use a spackle knife to apply filler and let dry, afterwards lightly smooth area with a medium-grit sandpaper.
Step 3: Get Rid of Loose Paint
Loose and chipped paint can really throw your exterior painting job for a loop. Before painting, check the exterior walls for loose paint chips and remove them with a scraper and smooth over with a medium-grit sandpaper.
Step 4: Use Caulk for Any Gaps
Over time, the areas where two surfaces or walls meet can move apart, causing a gap where bugs, water and weather can get inside your walls – and potentially your home. Apply caulk with a caulk gun in any gaps you see between house and trim, around doors and windows and any brick exterior.
Step 5: Prime Stains & Wood Knots
Stains and woods knots have a tendency to stand out, even after they’ve been painted. For these areas, apply a stain-blocking primer to area to maximize their concealment.
Step 6: Cover the Doors, Floors, Windows and Lights – Whatever You Don’t Want Painted
Use drop cloths for the floor and painter’s tape to edge or cover places like doors, windows and lighting fixtures that you don’t want to get paint on.
Step 7: Time to Paint the Exterior
Pour your paint in the tray or load it into the paint sprayer. Apply first coat, and depending on whether you want a darker hue, you may apply a second coat. Work your way from top to bottom with steady and smooth strokes to ensure an even coat.
Step 8: Now You Can Paint the Trim and Doors
Remove painter’s tape from the doors, windows and lighting fixtures. Use your secondary paint to carefully coat these items.