As you shelter in place, fix up your shelter.

Now that you’re social distancing and staying home to keep safe from catching the novel coronavirus COVID-19, it’s time to tackle any small home improvement jobs that have been on the list for awhile. Like any dire circumstances such as these, you need to make the best of a bad situation – and fixing up some small things around the house will help pass the time and take your mind off the chaos of the world around you.

The following are 3 home repairs you can do during the coronavirus pandemic.

3 Easy DIY Home Repairs

Like most homeowners, you probably have a corner in the garage dedicated to the original house paint, tiles, floors and more. It’s like a “home reset button” that you can push if and when the time comes to spruce up the place. Well, that time is now with the coronavirus keeping people home.

Touch up scuffed or faded paint.

Chances are that there are some areas where the paint has been scuffed on the walls, or the colors have faded over time. Whether it’s exterior or interior painting that’s needed, you probably have some leftover or spare paint in the garage.

Grab some sandpaper, a paint brush and that paint and you’re good to go. Sand the rough or faded areas in the sandpaper to remove chipped paint, dirt, and debris. Then you simply dip that brush in the paint can and apply a few coats over the area to bring it back to life.

Fix the back yard fence.

Time and weather are no friends of the backyard fence. If the wind isn’t pushing it around, the rain and sun are working in tandem to warp and discolor it. And time, well time just lets it happen. In order to reverse the clock, grab a hammer, some nails, and if you’ve originally painted your fence, get that extra can and a paint brush.

First, identify any nails that have worked themselves back out of the wood and hammer those back in. Second, if any nails have pulled a vanishing act, add new nails to help secure the boards back in place. Third, if the paint has long since faded away from sections, use that extra leftover paint and brush to liven things up to give the fence a much-needed makeover. If you’ve never painted or treated it before, and left it raw to the elements all these years, consider using a water sealant to protect the wood and keep it from discoloration.

Change the light bulbs.

Yes, this one seems silly, but there are probably at least two or three light bulbs currently out somewhere in your home. Another fun fact is that you probably have extra light bulbs in the garage or utility room that were bought months back and forgotten about. Light bulbs and batteries are some of those things you always think you need until you find out you already have them.

Now for the easy part. Look around the house. In the closets, the bathrooms, and the spare bedrooms. Find the burnt out light bulbs and simple replace them. That’s it.

Home Repair is Therapeutic

The home repair tasks above, while relatively easy and done with supplies you already have at home, will make you feel accomplished. You will have tackled projects that have been put on the backburner for who knows how long and you’ll be able to mentally check them off the list. That’s therapeutic.

Remember, while the coronavirus pandemic may have you staying at home, you can make the most of it by getting things done you normally don’t have time for. And when this is all over, let Rock Painting & Gutters spruce up the entire look of your home just in time for summer with a fresh coat of exterior house paint. Your home, and neighbors, may just thank you for it.